PEACE BHUMI – Community of Practice Conflict Sensitive Media Production

About Us:

Peace Bhumi is a platform that fosters a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to perpetuating peace through conflict-sensitive media content production. This space inspires communal harmony and a tolerant society through spreading mindful digital video or audio content, report writing, advocacy, storytelling and various other media content. The range of amazing people in the platform are passionate peace lovers who support each other’s growth and nurture an environment for learning and collaboration for peace building.

Peace Bhumi innovates ideas in order to create a prosperous planet and a sustainable peace.


The goal of the loose network “Peace Bhumi” is to promote conflict sensitivity and peace-building initiatives by creating a platform for collaboration, dialogue, and knowledge sharing.

Our aim is to promote peaceful coexistence, and contribute to sustainable peace within communities and society as a whole.

Core Values:

Peace and Non-violence

We uphold the values of peace and non-violence as fundamental principles for resolving conflicts and building harmonious relationships. We believe in peaceful dialogue, empathy, and mutual understanding as key drivers for positive change.

Conflict Sensitivity

We are committed to promoting conflict sensitivity in all our actions. By understanding the root causes, dynamics, and implications of conflicts, we strive to ensure that our initiatives and interventions do not inadvertently contribute to or escalate conflicts, but rather contribute to peaceful solutions.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We recognize the power of collaboration and the need for collective action in achieving sustainable peace. We actively seek partnerships with individuals, organizations, and institutions working towards similar goals, nurturing cooperation and shared learning to maximize our impact.

Inclusivity and Diversity

We value inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of our work. We strive to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals from different backgrounds, identities, and perspectives can actively participate, contribute, and shape our initiatives. We believe that diversity enriches our understanding and strengthens our collective efforts.

Empowerment and Capacity Building

We are dedicated to empowering individuals and communities by enhancing their capacity to address conflicts and build peace. Through training, workshops, and educational programs, we aim to equip individuals with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for peaceful conflict resolution and sustainable peace-building.

Ethical and Transparent Practices

We uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all our activities. We are accountable to our members, partners, and the communities we serve, ensuring that our actions and decisions are guided by integrity, honesty, and responsible stewardship of resources.

Continuous Learning and Innovation

We foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation. We recognize the evolving nature of conflicts and peace-building and strive to adapt our approaches, embrace new ideas, and explore innovative solutions to address emerging challenges effectively.

By embracing these core values, Peace Bhumi seeks to create a positive impact, inspire collective action, and contribute to the advancement of conflict sensitivity and peace-building efforts within communities, society, and beyond.