Thoughts on Nightcrawler

Although we initially planned to screen a movie, due to the late arrival of many Peace Bhumi participants, we couldn’t show the film. However, we agreed to watch it at home and share our opinions regarding conflict-sensitive media production, discussing what we learned or our thoughts about the film.

Deepesh Thapa

Typically, when faced with a task, we tend to create a list of “to-dos,” assuming it’s the right approach. Yet, according to many cognitive psychologists, a better strategy is to craft a list of “don’t dos.” By focusing on what not to do, the necessary actions tend to follow automatically. Consider Warren Buffett, widely regarded as the greatest investor of all time, whose investment rules are succinct:
Rule No. 1: Never lose money.
Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.
When investors avoid losses, making money naturally follows, as exemplified by Buffett.

Similarly, it’s crucial to compile a list of “What not to do?” rather than just “What to do?”

The film Nightcrawler teaches us a significant lesson: what pitfalls to avoid in content creation. When we steer clear of “What not to do?” the right actions automatically follow themselves.

Therefore, here are the key rules of thumb for all conflict-sensitive media producers after watching Nightcrawler:
Rule No. 1: Avoid becoming like Louis Bloom.
Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.

(P.S. Louis Bloom is an anti-hero, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal in the masterful Nightcrawler.)

Bindesh Dahal

नाइटक्रलर फिल्म हेरेपछि मनमा आएका कुरा

सञ्चारमाध्यमहरूलाई दर्शक/पाठकको ध्यान तान्न निकै मेहनत गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । त्यस्तो ध्यान ब्रेकिङ न्युजले तान्ने हो ।
यस्तो हुँदा संवाददाता वा सम्पादकले कतिपय अवस्थामा आचारसंहिता पालन नगरेका पनि हुन सक्छन् । तर न्यूनतम नैतिकता र पत्रकार आचारसंहिताको पालन नगर्दा त्यसले ल्याउने परिणाम भयावह हुन सक्छ । यसै विषयमा ड्यान गिलरोयले “नाइटक्रलर” नामक फिल्म बनाएका छन् ।

लुइस ब्लूम नाम गरेको अनि सानोतिनो चोरी र लुटपाट गर्ने व्यक्तिले आफ्नो लक्ष्य पूरा गर्नका लागि नैतिकताका सबै हद पार गरेको सिक्वेन्सबाट फिल्म शुरू हुन्छ । राति अचानक एउटा दुर्घटनाग्रस्त क्षेत्रमा पुगेको ब्लूमले घटनाको छायांकन गर्ने एक व्यक्तिलाई भेट्दा भिडियो खिचेर पैसा कमाउन सकिने गुरुमन्त्र सिक्छ । त्यसपछि जसरी भए पनि आपराधिक घटना वा दुर्घटनाको पहिलो भिडियो खिचेर टीभी स्टेशनलाई बिक्री गर्ने अनि त्यसबाट पैसा कमाउँदै गएर आफ्नै प्रडक्शन कम्पनी खोलेर करीयर बनाउने ब्लूमको महत्त्वाकांक्षा नै यस फिल्मको कथा हो । त्यस महत्त्वाकांक्षा पूर्तिका लागि ब्लूमले नैतिकता, सहानुभूति र समानुभूति जस्ता मानवीय गुणहरूलाई तिलाञ्जलि दिएको हुन्छ ।

प्रतिभाशाली अभिनेता जेक गिलेनहालले ब्लूमको एन्टीहिरो चरित्रलाई निकै उम्दा गरी निर्वाह गरेका छन् ।
नेपालमा मौलाइरहेको यूट्युबे पत्रकारिताले पनि आचारसंहिताको धज्जी उडाउँदै व्यक्तिको गोपनीयतालाई बेवास्ता गर्ने अनि सनसनीपूर्ण तरिकाले घटनालाई पेश गर्ने गरेको देखिन्छ । यस्ता भिडियो उत्पादकहरूका लागि अपराध वा झगडा पैसा झार्ने अवसर हो भने घटनाका पीडितहरू दर्शकको ध्यान तान्ने माध्यम मात्र हुन् ।

नाइटक्रलरमा देखाइएजस्तो गरी कुनै व्यक्ति आफ्नो सबभन्दा कमजोर वा जोखिमपूर्ण अवस्थामा रहेको बेलामा उनीहरूको अनुमति नलिइकन भिडियो खिच्ने र त्यसलाई मरमसला हालेर प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रवृत्ति नैतिकताको दायरामा पर्दैन । टीभी कम्पनीहरूले पनि आफ्नो रेटिङ बढ्ने नाममा वीभत्स दृश्यहरू प्रसारण गर्नु आचारसंहिताको विपरीत हुन्छ ।

नेपालका मूलधारे सञ्चारमाध्यममा यस्ता खालका सामग्री खासै प्रसारण गरिँदैनन् तर च्याउसरी खुलेका अनलाइन न्युज पोर्टल र यूट्युब च्यानलहरूमा यस्ता सामग्री छ्यापछ्यापती भेटिन्छन् । पत्रकारिताको नियामक निकाय प्रेस काउन्सिलले यस्ता यूट्युब च्यानललाई स्पष्टीकरण सोध्ने वा बन्द गराउनका लागि टेलिकम्युनिकेशन प्राधिकरणलाई सिफारिश गर्ने काम गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।

द्वन्द्व संवेदनशील सञ्चारसामग्री उत्पादन गर्ने उत्पादकहरूले घटनालाई सनसनीपूर्ण नबनाउने र आचारसंहिताको पालन गर्ने निर्देशिकालाई सदैव पालन गर्नु जरूरी छ । अनि सञ्चारमाध्यमका सामग्री उपभोग गर्ने पाठक श्रोता दर्शकका रूपमा पनि हामीले सनसनीपूर्ण रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको घटनालाई चासो मानेर नपढिदिने वा नहेरिदिने गरेमा त्यस्ता उत्पादकहरू निरुत्साहित हुन सक्छन् ।

Hem Rokaha

Nightcrawler: Media Ethics Wake-Up Call!

Watching ‘Nightcrawler’ was a wild ride! I had a fantastic time watching it. As a movie lover, I was intrigued by Dipesh Thapa’s recommendation, and I found this psychological thriller about the shady world of crime journalism absolutely amazing. It delves into the symbiotic relationship between unethical journalism and consumer demand. As a journalist, I can relate ‘Nightcrawler’ as a thought-provoking commentary on media professionals’ ethical dilemmas in pursuing sensational news. And it had me hooked from start to finish.

Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis Bloom is just something else. You see this guy going from a desperate job-seeker to this morally grey nightcrawler chasing after violent events for a buck. It’s crazy how he pulls you in; you’re both creeped out and fascinated by his character.

And the whole vibe of nighttime LA in the movie? It’s like the city becomes its own character, adding to the overall eerie feel. You get that sense that all the shady stuff goes down when the sun’s out of the picture.

But what really got me thinking was the whole deal with media ethics. I mean, we all love juicy news, right? But ‘Nightcrawler’ highlights how our demand for sensational stories can lead to some messed-up consequences. The film can make you question the media persons’ choices, caught between getting eyeballs and doing what’s right.

And Lou’s dynamic with Nina? That’s like the poster child for the ethical compromises people make for corporate success. It’s this constant tug-of-war between delivering content that grabs attention and the ethical headache that comes with it.

As a journalist myself, it hit close to home. ‘Nightcrawler’ is this wake-up call about the impact of sensational news on society. It makes you ponder the ethical tightrope we walk in the media world. I asked, ‘Hey, what’s the cost of chasing after the next big story?’

In a world where media shapes how we see things, ‘Nightcrawler’ jabs you in the ribs, telling you to be more mindful of your media consumption. It’s not just conflicts on the screen; it’s like a mirror, forcing you to think about the struggles we face in journalism and how we can do better. It’s a rollercoaster that makes you rethink your media habits and demand a more ethical approach to the news game.

Smithu Ghising

Nightcrawler- Navigating the shadows of Journalism and Ethics

Last night, on December 23, I tuned into Nightcrawler, and right from the outset, I couldn’t help but think that including it in my evening watch might not have been the best choice. The film proved to be both disturbing and dark-themed, especially for my usual taste.

Reflecting on it, I realized that perhaps watching it with my fellow Peacebhumi members earlier in the day would have been more fitting. This way, we could have engaged in a discussion immediately after, with each amazing person sharing their thoughts on the film.

Normally, my nightly content consumption revolves around the light-hearted humor of ‘Friends’ and ‘Brooklyn 99,’ creating an atmosphere of joy and laughter. However, my venture into Nightcrawler highlighted the intense and intricate nature of content creation. It shed light on the cutthroat competition in broadcasting and publishing, with a race to be the first to cover events, even at the expense of ethical considerations. Despite its dark and disturbing moments, the film left me intrigued, constantly pondering what would unfold next in each scene. I now understood why Deepesh ji recommended this movie.

As a member of Peacebhumi, where our primary focus is on being conflict-sensitive, Nightcrawler resonated deeply with me. The film masterfully portrays the perilous interplay between media, crime, and ethics. Lou’s actions elicit discomfort yet compel attention. It serves as a poignant reminder of how journalism can easily devolve into a distorted game prioritizing profit over humanity.

Jake Gyllenhaal’s performance in the movie was a pleasant surprise. Accustomed to seeing him in Christmas and love story films, it was entertaining to witness his excellence in portraying such a complex character.

Regarding the plot, I observed the storyteller’s attempt to unveil the silent conscience balancing sensationalism with content production and news-writing. As a journalist myself, I could discern the do’s and don’ts the movie aimed to convey, all the while quietly unfolding its narrative.

In conclusion, I want to express gratitude for the recommendation. Despite its dark undertones, I genuinely enjoyed watching Nightcrawler and appreciate the thought-provoking messages it delivered.